“Radical simply means ‘grasping things at the root’.”

-Angela Davis



BRICKS noun - plural

  1. a rectangular black used in building.

  2. an object of self & communal defence.

  3. a slur historically used against Trans Women.

"When I first learned the term brick for those square never-will-be-passable trans women, it was auxiliary to an explanation for another term, masonry: as in brick-on-brick love— only bricks get stuck to other bricks. Except what do you do with the meanness of the word masonry itself—it was other trans women, the only ones that bricks could supposedly trust, who came up with that hilariously cruel slang. Brick-on-brick betrayal. But we have to understand each other well to be so cruel."

- Infect you friends and loved ones, Torrey Peters

What is BRICKS?

We are a group of Trans Women & Transfems making space for each other. we are creating a network of care and resilience.

Our Values

  • Autonomy & Independence: We do no endorse the activities of any organization that operates within the oppressive system of white supremacy. We will not sign any agreement that ties us to the needs of funders over the needs of our community. We will never be a business, or a non-profit. There are no hierarchies here. Only passionate Transfems working cooperatively together.

  • Intersectionality: We will not comply with a status quo that would see assimilation as liberation. Abolition is the path we tread.

  • Self & Community Preservation: We hold the safety and security of our community sacred above all else. Anonymity of our membership is a priority. We will not stand by as Trans Feminine voices are left out of "Queer & Trans" Spaces.

We are radical, not reactionary Our work is inherently anti-fascist.

If you are a Trans Woman, Transfem, or TMA, send us an email at bricksyukon@tuta.io

The “Trans in the Arts Cohort” 🏳️‍⚧️

Based in Calgary, Alberta. On Treaty 7 Territory.

Graphic Design and Zine Creation by Bri Strong.